Because of my earlier experiences and passion my specialization lies with chronic disease, chronic pain disorders, neurological disorders, tension/stress problems and reactivation after operation, stroke or other extensive disease. Common conditions treated with acupuncture include:
Acute or chronic pain
- Lower back pain
- Nerve entrapment syndromes
- Arthritis/rheumatic complaints (pain)
- Arthrosis* pain, especially knee
- Herniated disc*
- Migraine, headache
- Bursitis
- Nek shoulder pain
- Sciatica
- Fibromyalgia, chronic muscle pain
- Tendon, muscle and joint problems
Neurological diseases
- Rehabilitation after stroke*
- Bell’s paralysis
Stress and emotional imbalance
- Sleep disorders
- Tension/stress
- Anxiety and mild depression
- Burnout
Digestive complaints
- Nausea, vomiting (also after chemotherapy* for cancer*)
- Pain from peptic ulcera*
- Bowel disease with inflammation* (including IBS= irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease*)
- Constipation/diarrhea.
Chronic fatigue
- Chronic fatigue (syndrome)
- Recovery after viral infection (mononucleosis infectiosa)
- Recovery and reactivation after extensive surgery, stroke*, heartattack* or chemotherapy/radiation* therapy for cancer treatment.
Allergy and lung diseases
- Allergy, hay fever
- Sinusitis
- Asthmatic conditions*, chronic airway obstruction*
Skin disorders
- Acne
- Eczema
- Shingles
- Chronic itching
- Chronic wounds
Gynaecological complaints
- Menopausal symptoms
- Pregnancy wish
- Recurrent bladder infections
Mouth and teeth complaints
- Toothache
- Gum inflammation
- Loss of taste
Addictions/unhealthy habits
- Addiction to smoking, alcohol, food
* In the symptoms and diseases marked with *, acupuncture treatment is used explicitly as a complementary treatment to other regular treatments in the hospital.
For more information see or or the WHO list (World Health Organisation) at: